IASGP Annual Conference
Registration is now open!

The IASGP is pleased to inform you that registration for the 45th Annual Conference of the IASGP on the theme “All change in Germany?” is now open. Please find attached to this email the programme of the event that will take place in London on 28th – 29th May 2019.
The conference will bring together researchers from various backgrounds and academic disciplines to reflect on the changes that shape politics in Germany and German-speaking countries.
This year, the IASGP is very honoured to receive Dr. Norbert Röttgen to deliver the German Politics Lecture. Dr. Röttgen is a Member of the German Bundestag and Chair of the Foreign Relations Committee.
Taking part in the conference is a great opportunity to meet people working on German politics from a range of countries, career stages, and disciplinary approaches. Also, editors and reviewers of our peer-reviewed journal German Politics will be present.
Please note that all participants (speakers and non-speakers) must be a member of the Association. If you are not a member, then please join here https://www.tandfonline.
To register for the event, please fill in the registration form (enclosed to this email with the programme) and return it by 15th April 2019 to intasgp@gmail.com. Late registration will incur an additional fee of £20, therefore, we encourage you to register from now on.
Conference fees include lunch on both days, refreshments and conference dinner. Please refer to the registration form for details on fee options and how to pay electronically.
Further details on the conference are available here http://www.iasgp.org/