CfP IASGP 2023 Annual Conference – “Shocks to the German system? German politics in 2023″”

After a successful event in Düsseldorf last year, the Annual Conference of the International Association for the Study of German Politics will take place again this year!
The conference will take place on Thursday 30th November – Friday 1st December 2023 in Mannheim, Germany, at GESIS (the Leibnitz Institute for Social Sciences).
With war in Europe, sharply rising energy costs, challenges in reaching decisions in the European Union, and the far-right Alternative for Germany regularly coming second in national opinion polls, 2023 is proving a difficult year for Germany. The country’s established party system appears to be under pressure, its economic model is called into question, and key tenets of its relations with other countries, and of its role in the world, are often challenged. These phenomena and these challenges also affect, to differing degrees, politics in Austria and Switzerland. We expect these themes to play an important role in the annual conference of the International Association for the Study of German Politics.
The conference will include presentations of academic papers, but also the annual German Politics lecture by a leading political figure, contributions from politicians and think-tankers, and many networking opportunities.
This year, the association will host an additional workshop for postgraduate students and early career researchers, starting on Wednesday 29th November 2023 in the evening and continuing on Thursday morning.
Abstracts of not more than 500 words should be sent by 30th September 2023 to
Papers addressing any aspect of German politics and international relations will be welcome, as will papers on the politics of other German-speaking countries. You should be prepared to circulate a written version of the paper at least two weeks before the conference. The Association especially encourages women, and young scholars from around the world to submit their papers.
If you are a postgraduate student or early career researcher, please also indicate if you would like to join the workshop starting on Wednesday evening. Presenting a paper is not compulsory, but if you would like to, please also indicate whether you would prefer to present at the postgraduate / early career workshop or the main conference.
Upcoming Deadlines:
30th September 2023: Deadline for submission of abstracts
6th October 2023: Programme published / registration opens
27th October 2023: Registration deadline
24th November 2023: Deadline for paper circulation
30th November / 1st December 2023: Conference (likely to start Thursday around 12 noon, and finish by mid-afternoon on Friday)
Conference fees (including lunch on both days, refreshments and conference dinner, and accommodation at a nearby hotel) are outlined below:
. Normal rate: £50
. Rate for doctoral students and those who would face a financial barrier to participation: £10
Please note that attendees should be members of the IASGP (£40 standard, £10 student per year). Should you want to become a member of the association, including a subscription to our journal German Politics, please visit this page at Taylor&Francis.
In addition, financial support is available to those presenting papers who are doctoral students or who would face a financial barrier to participation. The association will offer the following travel bursaries:
. Germany outside Mannheim: £150 maximum
. Europe outside Germany: £350
. Outside Europe: £1500 maximum
Whether you wish to present a paper or simply attend the conference, please register using the form below and return it to by 27th October 2023.
You can find further information about the IASGP annual conference in the Call for Papers below. Please feel free to distribute it within your organisation, to your colleagues and contacts.
The annual conference is a chance to actively contribute to what promises to be a great event! We are looking forward to receiving your proposals and registrations.