German History

Primäre historische Dokumente aus dem deutschschprachigen Raum und Europa – This web site offers a wealth of primary documentation in translation or as facsimile from around the world. The German Document section is well worth a visit.
Holocaust Cybrary – This site is a must for students of the Holocaust.
The Stanley Burton Centre For Holocaust Studies – A non-profit teaching and research centre for Holocaust studies within the University of Leicester.
The Center for East German Studies – A research center of Reading University’s German Department. The Centre’s activities are aimed at providing an academic focal-point within the United Kingdom for research into the literature, culture, society, and history of the new Bundesländer from 1945 to the present.
Eastern German Studies Group – Now defunct as it dis-banded in 2002 but still has a great list of other sites of relevance
German Historical Studies – a large range of Historical web resources to choose from.
The Berlin Wall 1961-1989 – What more can I say, except that the pictures are excellent.
German History Archive – History links from Heidelberg.
Primary Documents: Germany – Selection of historical texts, mainly in English, rom Luther to Hitler.