Current Affairs

German News – Daily news bulletin, also available by e-mail. In English or German. This service is a convenient and useful way of keeping up with what is happening in Germany.
Paperball – A first class search engine which allows users to search a wide range of German newspapers by means of keywords. The site searches the press on a daily basis and has no archive function but is nonetheless a useful tool.
Media Index: Deutschsprachige Medien im Internet – A first class resource produced by the German Department of the University of Exeter (UK) which allows access to more than 535 pages filled with links to German, Swiss, Austrian and other worldwide news ticker services, newspapers, magazines, and radio and TV stations, with an emphasis being placed on the ever-increasing number of Real Audio and Real Video outlets.
Germany Live – A useful news service, in German, which covers domestic, international and economic news. This site maintains a reasonably good archive system.
Europe On-Line Deutschland – A visually impressive German news service.
ZDF – Homepage of ZDF on-line.
Der Spiegel – the weekly news magazine in Germany.
Stern – news weekly and an on-line interface worth investigating.
Die Welt – One of Germany’s most respected quality ‘heavies’ on-line from its Hamburg home.
Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – One of Europe’s finest newspapers.
Die Tageszeitung – the Berlin newspaper better known as simply Die Taz.
Focus – an alternative to Der Speigel and should not be confused with the UK science mag. Focus also has a searchable index you can access.
Die Zeit – the major German weekly, is available online.
Der Tagesspiegel – A good quality Berlin daily.
Berliner Morgenpost – another good quality Berlin paper.
Süddeutsche Zeitung – one of Germany’s largest newspapers which is based in München.
Die Bild – Germany’s most tabloid of the tabloid newspapers.
Die Hamburger Morgenpost – this is more in the direction of a tabloid newspaper.
DieRheinische Post – another german tabloid newspaper.
Zitty – the Berlin bi-weekly with loads of information on life in Germany’s largest city, including movie, theater and other performance schedules, is now online.
Tagesschau – the newspage of the ARD homepage.
Neue Zürcher Zeitung – from Switzerland.
Tages Anzeiger – another of the Swiss newspapers.