IASGP Annual Conference 2022

46th Annual Conference – “German politics in a new context”
Conference Programme to come
So much has changed since the last regular IAGSP conference in 2019. The world endured – and still endures – a pandemic. There has been a change in government in Germany. There is war in Europe, and Germany has been forced to reflect on its foreign policy as a result.
In the light of those events the 46th annual conference of the International Association for the Study of German Politics seeks to understand German politics, and the politics of other German-speaking countries, as we enter the new millennium. Papers addressing any aspect of German politics and international relations will be welcome, as will papers on the politics of other German-speaking countries. You should be prepared to circulate a written version of the paper at least two weeks before the conference. The Association especially encourages women, and young scholars from around the world to submit their papers.
The conference will feature our annual German Politics Lecture, and an informal reception and conference dinner. Taking part in the conference is a great opportunity to meet people working on German politics from a range of countries, career stages, and disciplinary approaches. Also, editors and reviewers of our peer-reviewed journal German Politics will be present.
As in previous years, the IASGP will keep the conference fee, including conference dinner and other refreshments, low. Travel bursaries will be provided to postgraduate students and others who would face a financial barrier to participation, to enable them to give papers. Furthermore, financial provision will be made available to those who need to organise childcare in Düsseldorf to facilitate attendance at the conference. Details of rates are as below.
10th September 2022: Deadline for submission of abstracts
25th September 2022: Programme published / registration opens
18th October 2022: Registration deadline
11th November 2022: Deadline for paper circulation
17th / 18th November 2022: Conference